
Gaeilge i mo Chroi


How do you feel about embracing Ireland’s native tongue? At odds after a tricky relationship at school? Maybeyou’ve given up, or don’t know where to start?Well, is fada an bóthar nach mbíonn casadh ann – long is the road that has no turn and, in this book, the road is about to turn. Molly Nic Céile – creator of social media sensation for Irish-language learners and lovers Gaeilge i Mo Chroí – invites us to connect with Irish in our hearts, as we set out on a journey of renewed pride sa Ghaeilge. Using seanfhocail agus scéalta, proverbs and stories, and with plenty of craic along the way – including the hilarious ‘if Irish were English’ approach to better understanding sentence structure – the book offers guidance on bringing Irish into our everyday lives, supported by useful word and phrase glossaries throughout.

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SKU: 9781399731980 Categories: , , ,


ISBN: 9781399731980

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